Specialized Economic Consultation
Providing Environmental Economics Litigation and Research Support

Dennis M. King, Ph. D.
Marine Resource Economist
Director, King & Associates LLC
Overview of King and Associates LLC
King and Associates LLC (KAA) is an economic research and consulting firm based in Plymouth, Massachusetts (USA). KAA provides research, consulting, and expert services on a wide range of topics but specializes in:
Typical Clients/Projects
Vineyard Wind, LLC -.Vineyard Wind 1 Offshore Wind Energy Development
Avangrid Renewables -Offshore Wind Energy Development- Reports assessing economic exposure of commercial fisheries to offshore wind energy development in specific wind lease areas along the U.S. Atlantic coast.
World Wildlife Fund/Marine Stewardship Council. Market-based incentives to encourage sustainable world fisheries; quantitative indicators to certify that seafood products reaching U.S. markets were sustainably harvested.
NOAA, Office of Habitat Protection-Economic analysis to prioritize and manage habitat protection and restoration strategies; measure economic impacts of endangered species designations; and manage habitat and ecosystem service trading and mitigation.
Lloyd’s of London, Ltd. Measure economic risks of insuring high seas fishing operations; develop settlement offers for fishery-related claims; litigation support and expert witness in legal proceedings involving claims of insured fishery-related economic losses.
About Us
King and Associates LLC. (KAA) is an ocean-oriented economic research and consulting firm founded in 1982 by Dennis M. King. Dr. King holds a Ph.D. in marine resource economics, an MS degree in natural resource economics, and a BBA in corporate finance, and has over 40 years of experience managing interdisciplinary research projects that involve comparing costs, benefits, risks, and impacts of ocean-related investments and regulations. Under Dr. King’s direction KAA also provides mediation and litigation support services to resolve disputes regarding the pricing and labeling of seafood, compensation for ocean impacts, fishery related economic losses and enforcement/compliance issues; and environmental trading and mitigation.
The firm serves a wide range of industry, government, and not-for-profit clients world-wide from offices in Plymouth, MA (USA).
Typical Reports/Publications by Dennis King
Economic Exposure of U.S. commercial fisheries to the Vineyard Wind 1 Offshore Wind Energy Development; Report prepared for Vineyard Wind, LLC to support permitting and fishermen compensation and mitigation
Economic Benefits of the Chesapeake Inundation Prediction System (CIPS), with P. Hagan; for NOAA, National Weather Service
Preview of Global Ballast Water Treatment Markets, (with P. Hagan), et. al, Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology , Vol. 12
Criteria for Targeting Market – based Initiatives to Promote Sustainable Ocean Fisheries; World Wildlife Fund(Washington, D.C.) and Marine Stewardship Council(London).