Selected Reports and Publications
Economic Exposure of U.S. commercial fisheries to the Vineyard Wind “New England Wind” offshore wind energy project, prepared for Vineyard Wind, LLC, June, 2021
Economic Exposure of commercial fisheries to the Vineyard Wind “Park City Wind” offshore wind energy project,
prepared for Vineyard Wind, LLC, September, 2020
Economic Exposure of Massachusetts commercial fisheries to the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind energy project,
prepared for Vineyard Wind, LLC, May, 2019
Economic Exposure of Rhode Island commercial fisheries to the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind energy project,
prepared for Vineyard Wind, LLC, February, 2019
Ballast water treatment roll out should be revised, Maritime Executive, April 9, 2018. Available online at under King-Ballast Water Economic publications
Economics of Mid-Atlantic Fisheries in the year 2030, in Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Blue Ocean Economy-2030 Symposium, Urban Coast Institute, Monmouth University, October 12/13, 2017 (
Implementation of U.S. Coast Guard ballast water regulations is doomed to fail, The Bay Journal, September, 2017, Annapolis, MD (
Ocean Health and the Economics of Ballast Water Regulations, published by the International Network of Environmental Enforcement and Compliance, Washington, D.C. September 29, 2016 (
Predicting Global Ballast Water Treatment Markets in Sustainable Shipping, March 18, 2016; Available online at under King Ballast Water Economic publications
Managing Uncertainty in Ballast Water Treatment Markets in Sustainable Shipping, March 14, 2016; Available online at under King Ballast Water publications.
Methods to Measure National/International Fishery Enforcement/Compliance Outcomes Prepared for the Australian Fisheries Research & Development Corporation, Perth, Australia; February, 2016
Emerging global markets for Next-generation Wireless In-water Nutrient Sensors
Prepared for The Nutrient Sensor Challenge, an interagency initiative by NOAA, EPA, and USDA to promote the development of low-cost, low-maintenance, sensor-based, in-water tools for measuring and transmitting location-specific measures of nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations. Washington, D.C., 2015
Economic and environmental benefits of wireless, sensor-based, irrigation and water management systems in U.S. nursery and greenhouse sectors and in designing and monitoring performance of green roofs and other stormwater management practices. Report prepared for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) at the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture under, Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) Award no. 2009-51181-05768, October, 2014
Economic Analysis of Amendment # 28 of the Gulf of Mexico Reef fish Management Plan regarding reallocation of red snapper quota from commercial to recreational fishing sector. Prepared for the Fishermen Defense Fund, Houston TX, October, 2014
Economic impacts of proposed Endangered Species Act critical habitat designation for the South Atlantic and Carolina distinct population segments of Atlantic Sturgeon; Report prepared for U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA-Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office, St. Petersburg, FL; March, 2014
Economic impacts of proposed Endangered Species Act critical habitat designation for three northern distinct population segments of Atlantic Sturgeon; Report prepared for U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA-Fisheries, Northeast Regional Office, Gloucester, MA; April, 2014
Environmental Benefits of Wireless Sensor-based Irrigation Networks: Case-study Projections and Potential Adoption Rates in Horticultural Technology 23(6): 783-793, December, 2013 (with J.C. Majsztrik and E.W. Price)
The Economic Impacts of U.S. ballast water regulations in Sustainable Shipping, September 14, 2013; Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Is Port-based ballast water treatment a viable option? in Sustainable Shipping, May 9, 2013; Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Economic and logistical feasibility of port-based ballast water treatment: A case study at the Port of Baltimore, with Patrick Hagan, MERC Ballast Water Economics Discussion Paper No. 6, University of Maryland Reference Number: UMCES-CBL- 2013-011, May 7, 2013
The practicability loop in ballast water treatment markets. in Sustainable Shipping, July 20, 2012; Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Preview of Global Ballast Water Treatment Markets, with P. Hagan, M. Riggio, and D. Wright, Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology (JMET), Volume 12, Issue 1, January, 2012
Costs of Stormwater Management Practices in Maryland Counties, (with Patrick Hagan). A report and accompanying spreadsheet tool prepared for Maryland Department of the Environment, Science Services Administration, October 10, 2011, available online at:
Questions the shipping industry should ask IMO about pending ballast water regulations, (with Patrick Hagan) in Sustainable Shipping, April 11. 2011. Available at
Kick-starting Ballast Water Treatment Markets in Sustainable Shipping, December 17, 2010.
Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
“Gaming” Ballast Water Treatment Markets in Sustainable Shipping, September 8, 2010
Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Enforcement and Compliance in U.S. Commercial Fisheries: Results from Two Recent Studies. A report prepared for the Lenfest Ocean Program, August, 2010
Preliminary Overview of Global Ballast Water Treatment Markets, (with Mark Riggio and Patrick T. Hagan). MERC Ballast Water Economics Discussion Paper Number 2, June 10, 2010; Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Verifying Compliance with Ballast Water Discharge Regulations, (with Mario N. Tamburri). In Ocean Development and International Law Journal, Volume 41, Number 2, April, 2010
Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Fisheries observers as enforcement assets: Lessons from the North Pacific, (with Read D. Porter). In Marine Policy Journal, Volume 34, Number 3, 2010
Rational noncompliance and the liquidation of Northeast groundfish resources, (with Jon G. Sutinen). In Marine Policy Journal, Volume 34, Number 1, 2010
Linking optimization and ecological models in a decision support tool for oyster restoration and management, (with E.W. North, J. Xu, R.R. Hood, R.I.E. Newell, K.T. Painter, M.L. Kellogg, M.K. Liddel, and D.F. Boesch). In Ecological Applications, Volume 20, Number 3, 2010
Can the concept of ecosystem services be practically applied to improve natural resource management decisions? In Ecological Economics, Volume 69, Issue 5, 2010
Preliminary Cost Analysis of Ballast Water Treatment Systems, (with Mark Riggio and Patrick T. Hagan). MERC Ballast Water Economics Discussion Paper Number 1; December 22, 2009
Available at under King Ballast Water Economic publications.
Reassessing the Value of U.S. Coast Guard At-sea Fishery Enforcement, (with Read Porter, and
Elizabeth Price). In Ocean Development and International Law Journal, Volume 40, Number 4, 2009
The Economic Structure of California's Commercial Fisheries, (with Elizabeth Price, Steven C. Hackett, and M. Doreen Hansen). A report to California Department of Fish and Game; June 3, 2009 PDF at:
An Economic, Legal and Institutional Assessment of Enforcement and Compliance in Federally Managed U.S. Commercial Fisheries, (with Elizabeth Price, Anichia Van Buren, Charlotte Shearin, Kathryn J. Mengerink, Read D. Porter, Jon G. Sutinen, Andrew Rosenberg, and Jill H. Swasey). A report supported by the Lenfest Ocean Program, March 11, 2009
Managing Patuxent River Water Quality: Looking Beyond Science and Politics to the Economics of Decision-making, (with Patrick Hagan, Lisa Wainger, and Nicole Chigounis). A report to NOAA National Ocean Service, April 15, 2007
The Future of the Patuxent River - An Economic Perspective. In The Bay Journal, Volume 16, Number 2, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis, MD, February, 2007
Developing Defensible Wetland Mitigation Ratios: Standard tools for "scoring" wetland creation, restoration, enhancement, and conservation, (with Elizabeth W. Price, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science). A report prepared for NOAA, Office of Habitat Protection, Silver Spring, MD, February, 2007
WTO Rules create Farm Bill opportunities for Bay farmers. In The Bay Journal, Volume 15, Number 8, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis, MD, November, 2005
Crunch Time for Water Quality Trading. In Choices, a journal of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Volume 20, Number 1, Spring, 2005
Sparing the rod spoils the bay. In The Bay Journal, Volume 14, Number 9, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis, MD, December, 2004
Developing Defensible Wetland Mitigation Ratios: A Companion to "The Five-Step Wetland Mitigation Ratio Calculator", (with Elizabeth W. Price University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science). A report prepared for the NOAA, Habitat Protection Division, September 30, 2004
Development of Indicators to Assess Economic Vulnerabilities to Changes in Ecosystem Services: Case Study of Counties in Maryland, USA, (with Lisa A. Wainger, et. al.). In Environmental Management, Volume 34, Number 5, Springer Publishers, New York, December, 2004
Trade-Based Carbon Sequestration Accounting. In Environmental Management, Special Issue on Carbon Sequestration, a publication of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, Winter 2003
Will nutrient credit trading ever work? An assessment of supply problems, demand problems, and institutional obstacles, (with Peter J. Kuch). In The Environmental Law Reporter, a journal of the Environmental Law Institute, Washington, DC, May, 2003
Economic incentives for phasing lead out of gasoline: A review of international experiences and recommendations for the government of South Africa, (with Peter J. Kuch). In South Africa’s Fuel Quality Breakthrough: Phasing out Lead in Petrol, Pretoria, South Africa; January, 2003
Managing Environmental Trades: Lessons from Hollywood, Stockholm, and Houston. In The Environmental Law Reporter, a journal of the Environmental Law Institute, Washington, DC, Fall, 2002
Anatomy of “Early” Carbon Sequestration Trading: Common sense can prevent costly and embarrassing mistakes, Special Report #5. Journal of the Forum for Environmental Law, Science, Engineering, and Finance (FELSEF), Washington, DC, Summer, 2002
Comparing investments in land-based CO2 emission offset projects: bioenergy production vs. carbon sequestration. Chapter 19 in proceedings of the Electric Power Research Institute conference on bioenergy hosted by The World Bank, November 15-16, 2001
Assessing the economic value of biodiversity using indicators of site conditions and landscape
Context. Chapter 7 in The Valuation of Biodiversity Benefits, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Paris, November, 2001
Priorities for Weed Risk Assessment: Using Landscape Context to assess indicators of functions, services, and values (with Lisa Wainger). Chapter 4 in Weed Risk Assessment, edited by R.H. Groves, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia, June, 2001
Compensation for Lost Ecosystem Services: The Need for Benefit-based Transfer Ratios and Restoration Criteria, (with James Boyd, and Lisa A. Wainger). In Stanford Environmental Law Review Volume 20: Number 2, May, 2001
Wetland Value Indicators for Scoring Wetland Mitigation Trades, (with Lisa Wainger, James Salzman, and James Boyd). In Stanford Environmental Law Review, Volume 20: Number 2, May, 2001
Reforesting Frequently Flooded Agricultural Land: Will a Market for Carbon Sequestration Credits Be Enough?, (with Leonard Shabman, Laura Zepp, and Lisa Wainger). In Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Spring, 2001
Expanding HGM Wetland Assessment: Linking Wetland Function with Services and Values, (with Lisa A. Wainger, Candy C. Bartoldus and James S. Wakeley). Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, October, 2000: (PDF file at:
Ecosystem Valuation, award-winning report/website, (with Marisa Mazzotta), funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, and U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, July, 2000 (
Valuing Ecosystem Services for Decision-Making. In Proceedings of a Workshop on Management and Mitigation of Non-Indigenous Species, (with Lisa A. Wainger), Department of Defense and Environmental Protection Agency, Legacy Resource Management Program. Washington, D.C., June, 2000
The Benefits and Costs of Reforesting Economically Marginal Cropland in the Mississippi Delta, (with Lisa A. Wainger, Leonard Shabman and Laura Zepp). Delta Land Trust, Jackson, MS, August, 2000
Expanding Wetland Assessment Procedures: Landscape Indicators of Relative Wetland Value with Illustrations for Scoring Mitigation Trades, (with Lisa A. Wainger and James W. Boyd). Army COE, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, April, 2000
Assessing the economic value of biodiversity using indicators of site conditions and landscape context, (with Lisa A. Wainger). In Benefit Valuation of Biodiversity Resources, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France, November, 1999
Managing Risk in Carbon Sequestration Programs: The Role of Spatial and Temporal Variables in C Credit Scoring, (with Lisa A. Wainger). U.S Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Social Sciences Institute, September, 1999
Prioritizing Weed Risks: Using Landscape Context as a Basis for Indicators of Functions, Services and Values, (with Lisa A. Wainger). First International Workshop on Weed Risk Assessment, Adelaide, Australia, CSIRO Publishing. In press. August, 1999
Prioritizing Weed Threats: An Exercise in Integrated Risk Management, (with Lisa A Wainger). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service; University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Studies Publication Number UMCES-CBL-99-0019, January, 1999
The Dollar Value of Wetlands: Trap Set, Bait Taken, Don’t Swallow. In National Wetland Newsletter, Volume 20, Number 4, July/Aug., 1998 Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
A Study of Emerging International Management Systems. Prepared for and published by the
International Environmental Business and Technology Institute, Inc., Amherst, MA; February, 1998
Criteria for Certifying that Seafood Products are From Healthy, Sustainably Managed Fisheries. World Wildlife Fund (US) and Marine Stewardship Council (UK); September, 1997
The Fungibility of Wetlands. In National Wetland Newsletter, Volume 19, Number 5, Sept/Oct, 1997 Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Valuing Wetlands for Watershed Management. In National Wetland Newsletter, Volume 19, Number 3, May/June, 1997 Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Economic Analysis of Noxious Weed Problems. A report prepared for the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. (Draft Submitted, May 5, 1997)
Comparing Ecosystem Services and Values: With Illustrations for Performing Habitat Equivalency Analysis. Technical Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Commerce-NOAA, Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Center, Silver Spring, MD, January, 1997
The Use of Ecosystem Assessment Methods in Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Technical Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Commerce–NOAA, Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Center, Silver Spring, MD., January, 1997
Assessing Local Sustainability: Conceptual Framework and Practical Obstacles, (with Joel Darmstadter, Ken Frederick, Ronald Lile, and Michael Toman, Resources For the Future). Technical Report, prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Interior, Washington, D.C., January, 1997
Criteria for Targeting Market-based Initiatives to Promote Sustainable Ocean Fisheries. Prepared for the World Wildlife Fund (Washington, D.C.) and the Marine Stewardship Council (London), December, 1996
Prioritizing Investments in Vegetative Riparian Buffers: with illustrations for three Chesapeake Bay subwatersheds, (with Patrick Hagan and Curtis Bohlen). Prepared for U.S. EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C., December, 1996
Wetland Location and Watershed Values. Prepared for U.S. EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C., November, 1996
Wetland Location and Watershed Values: Some Hidden Costs of Mitigation Banking. A report prepared for the Water Resources Institute, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Fort Belvoir, Alexandria, VA; May, 1996
The Role of Ecosystem Restoration Technologies in 21st Century Economies.
Proceedings of ECOSET95, Tokyo; Sixth International Conference on Ecosystem Restoration
Technologies, Japan International Marine Science and Technology Federation; Tokyo, November, 1995
The Economics of Environmental Mitigation Banking, (with Paul Scodari). In Mitigation Banking: Theory and Practice, edited by Lindell March, et. al; Island Press, Washington, D.C., July, 1995
Natural Capital Indicators, (with Pierre R. Crosson). In Developing Indicators for Environmental Sustainability, Proceedings of The 1995 Resource Policy Consortium, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., June, 1995
Natural Resource Accounting and Sustainable Watershed Management: with Illustrations for the Upper Mississippi River Basin, (with Curtis C. Bohlen and Pierre R. Crosson). A report prepared for the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, Washington, D.C.; February, 1995
Expanding Opportunities for Successful Wetland Mitigation: The Private Credit Market Alternative, (with Leonard Shabman and Paul Scodari). A report of the National Mitigation Banking Study of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Water Resources Institute, Alexandria, VA, April, 1994
Making Sense of Wetland Restoration Costs, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). A report prepared for U.S. EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, and the U.S. Department of Energy, CEES Contribution # UMCEES-CBL- 94-045, January, 1994
The Cost of Wetland Creation and Restoration, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). A report prepared for the US Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC22-92MT92006, CEES Contribution # UMCEES-CBL- 94- 044, March, 1994
Estimating the Cost of Wetland Restoration, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). In National Wetland Newsletter 16 (3):3-5, May/June, 1994
Wetland Compensation Costs in the Southwest United States, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). A report prepared for EPA Region IX, San Francisco. CEES Contribution # UMCEES–CBL–94–051, 1994
Wetland Compensation Costs in the Southeast United States, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). A report prepared for EPA Region IV, Atlanta. CEES Contribution # UMCEES–CBL–94–049, 1994
Stream Restoration: The Cost of Engineered and Bio-engineered Alternatives, (with Curtis C. Bohlen and Mark L. Kraus). A report prepared for the EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C., CEES Contribution # UMCEES–CBL–94–046, April, 1994
Compensation Ratios for Wetland Mitigation: Guidelines and Tables for Applying the Methodology in Wetland Mitigation: A Framework for Determining Compensation Ratios, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). A report prepared for the EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C, CEES Contribution # UMCEES–CBL–94–047, March, 1994
A Method of Estimating Sector Contributions to National and Regional Economic Income. A report prepared for the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, Washington, D.C., September, 1994
Location and Wetland Values: Some Pitfalls of Offsite Wetland Mitigation in the Chesapeake Watershed, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). In Toward a Sustainable Coastal Watershed: The Chesapeake Experiment, edited by Steve Nelson and Paula Hill, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Edgewater, Maryland, 1994
A Technical Summary of Wetland Restoration Costs in the Continental United States, (with Curtis C. Bohlen). A report prepared for the EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, CEES Contribution # UMCEES– CBL–94–048, June, 1994
Watershed Management and Wetland Mitigation: A Framework for Determining Compensation Ratios, (with Curtis C. Bohlen and Kenneth J. Adler). A report prepared for the EPA, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation; Washington, D.C., July, 1993
The Economics of Wetland Mitigation Markets, (with Leonard Shabman and Paul Scodari). A report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Water Resources Institute, Fort Belvoir, VA. (August, 1992)
The Use of Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection in Developing Nations, (with Pierre Crosson and Jason Shogren). Winrock Environmental Alliance, Morrilton, Arkansas and O.E.C.D., Paris, October, 1992
Can We Justify Sustainability: New Challenges Facing Ecological Economics. In Ecological Economics, Volume II, Proceedings of 2nd Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Stockholm, August, 1992
The Economics of Ecological Restoration. In Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Law and
Economics, edited by John Duffield and Kevin Ward, John Wiley Publishers, New York, April 1992
Wetland Mitigation Banks - Avoiding Another Taxpayer Bailout. In The National Wetland Newsletter, Volume 9 Number 1, Washington, D.C., January 1992
Scientifically Defensible Compensation Ratios for Wetland Mitigation, (with Kenneth A. Adler). EPA Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C., March 1992
Costing Out Restoration. In Restoration and Management Notes, the Journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration, University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1991 (pp 21)
Wetland Creation and Restoration: An Integrated Framework for Estimating Costs, Expected Results, and Compensation Ratios. EPA, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C., April, 1991 (pp 79)
Sea Level Rise and Wetlands: Economic Modeling of Impacts and Response Strategies. In Climate Change and Ocean Processes: What Are the Consequences, edited by Gary D. Sharp; Texas Institute of Oceanography, February, 1991
A Method to Estimate Compensation Ratios for Wetland Mitigation Projects. EPA, Office of Policy Analysis; Washington, D.C., May, 1990 (pp 7)
Methods to Value the Aesthetic Impacts of Marine Debris on the Beach. EPA, Office of Policy Analysis; Washington, D.C., January, 1989 (pp 13)
The Economics of Global Billfish Fisheries. In Proceedings of the Second International Billfish
Symposium, National Coalition for Marine Conservation, Honolulu, 1989, (pp. 33)
Toward a More Abundant Ocean: Improving Fisheries Management in California, (with Robert Knecht and Biliana Cicin-Sain). National Coalition for Marine Conservation, San Diego, April, 1988. (pp. 189)
Economic Impacts and Net Economic Values Associated with Washington State Salmon and
Sturgeon Fisheries. State of Washington, Department of Community Development, Olympia, March, 1988 (pp 71)
U.S. Tuna Markets - A Pacific Island Perspective. In Development of Tuna Fisheries in the Pacific Islands Region, (D. Doulman, editor), University of Hawaii, East-West Center, April, 1987 (pp. 22)
Global Tuna Markets - A Pacific Island Perspective. In Tuna Issues in the Pacific Island Region, (D. Doulman Editor), East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. April, 1987 (pp. 88)
Recent Problems in the U.S. Tuna Industry and an Outlook. 37th Annual Tuna Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California, August, 1986
Global Tuna Markets and Hawaii Aku. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Southwest Fisheries Center
Administrative Report H-86-12C, Honolulu, August, 1986
The Economic Impact of Recent Changes in the U.S. Tuna Industry, (with Harry A. Bateman). Sea Grant Working Paper Number P-T-47, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, August, 1985
The Economic Structure of California's Commercial Fisheries, (with Virginia G. Flagg). Sea Grant Publication Number P-T-32, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, March, 1985
An Economic Impact Calculator for California Fisheries. Sea Grant Publication Number P-T-41, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, March, 1985
Evaluating the Payoff From Fishery-Related Research and Development Projects. Sea Grant Working Paper, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, January, 1984
Fishing Effort and the Production by Individual Vessels. Sea Grant Working Paper, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, January, 1984
The Economic Structure of California Seaports, (with James Liedke-Konow). Sea Grant Technical Report P-T-42, California Sea Grant College Program, La Jolla, 1984
Seaport Impacts: A Broader Basis for Analysis. Sea Grant Working Paper P-T-33, Center for Marine Studies, California State University, San Diego, 1983
Alternative Products and Markets for West Coast Mackerel Landings, (with Harry A. Bateman). West Coast Fisheries Development Foundation Technical Report, 1983
A Review of Products and Markets for California Market Squid, (with Harry A. Bateman). West Coast Fisheries Development Foundation Technical Report, 1983
The International Market for Shrimp, (with Robin Rackowe). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Fisheries Division, Rome, 1982
A Forecasting Model for U. S. Tuna Markets. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual International Tuna Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California, 1982
An Interindustry Analysis of California Fisheries, (with Kenneth L. Shellhammer). Sea Grant Technical Report Number P-T-5, California Sea Grant, Institute for Marine Resources, La Jolla, 1982
An Economic Impact Calculator for California Fisheries and Seafood Industries, (with Kenneth L. Shellhammer). Sea Grant Technical Report Number P-T-6, California Sea Grant, Institute for Marine Resources, La Jolla, 1982
A Game-Theoretic Bargaining Model of Tuna Fishing in the South Pacific: Island Nations vs. Multinational Corporations, (with Fred Galloway). Proceedings of the Western Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1981
Trading-off Specification and Measurement Error in Bio-economic Fishing Models. Proceedings of the Western Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1981
Evaluating Capital Requirements in Developing Fisheries. Center for Marine Studies Technical Report, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, 1981
The Development of the Papua New Guinea Tuna Fishery. United Nations, FAO Publication
WS/N7173, Food and Agriculture Organization Technical Cooperation Program, Rome, Italy, 1980
International Management of Highly Migratory Species: A Reply. Journal of Marine Policy, Volume 4, Number 3, July, 1980
Projecting U.S. Consumer Demand for Tuna. Center for Marine Studies Technical Report 80-3, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, February, 1980
Global Tuna Fisheries: Status, Trends and International Outlook. National Academy of Sciences, Ocean Policy Paper, August, 1980
The Use of Economic-Environmental Input-Output Analysis for Coastal Planning, (with D. A. Storey). Special Report Number 40, University of Massachusetts, Water Resources Center, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1974.